You can freely use your credit or debit card when visiting Kiev, if you are using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover card.
These ones definitely work in Ukraine, as long as you have had it pre-activated for international use by your credit card company before leaving.
Credit cards and debit cards are widely used in Ukraine
There are actually 38.1 million active credit and debit cards in Ukraine, for a total population of 42.2 million Ukrainians.
Since credit cards are accepted all across Ukraine, it is very convenient for you as a tourist to use when shopping, eating out, making hotels reservations, or paying for your ride.
However, there are many places throughout the country where cash still king, and are less likely to accept a credit card as a form of payment and it is for this reason that I recommend always carrying around some cash with you just in case.
These are usually small merchants in local traditional marker, street vendors, small grocery shops, diners, some hostels and hotels in the more remote areas of the country.
It is worth noting that MasterCard and Visa credit cards are the golden standard and accepted everywhere in Kiev or Ukraine, where cards are accepted.
Some cards are more accepted
American Express cards are, generally speaking, widely accepted here in Kiev, but there are some places in the country that won’t process it.
Discovery has even tougher time when it comes to withdrawing cash from ATMs, than the rest.
So, I always recommend carrying additional cash as a backup or activating a second Visa or MasterCard debit card when traveling to Ukraine.
Make sure to read Ukraine ATM Withdrawal Limits and How to Avoid ATM Scams to find out how much cash your card can get you out of ATMs in Kiev.
And if you are planning on bringing cash, then Kiev Budget Guide will be very useful for you!
Have more questions about Kiev?
Find your answers here in the FAQs!
And make sure to read more posts about Kiev and Ukraine on my blog here!
For guided tours of the city, Kiev nightlife or adventure tours, feel free to contact me directly and I will be happy to show you around Kiev!