Are you Traveling to Kiev?
If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place to start preparing for your visit to my marvelous city!
My name is Alexandra, and I am a personal tour guide in Kiev. I put together this website to help traveler navigate the city and provide them with insider tips to enjoy their time in Kiev.
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About Me
Hi there!
I am a personal travel manager and consultant in Kiev, which is a fancy way to say that I am a private tour guide!
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Kiev City Tours
Explore Kiev famous attractions as well as its best hidden secrets, best places to eat and enjoy your time during the day.
Kiev Nightlife Tours
Experience the vibrant nightlife in Kiev, with access to the best nightclubs, bars, cabarets and others.
Where to Stay?
For information on renting apartments in Kiev, just contact me!
Tourist Attractions
Guides & Tips
City Travel Guides
Kiev Nightlife Guides
Budget, Credit Cards & Money
Safety Guides