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Warm Cafes to Stop By in Kiev Cold Weather

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Warm Kiev Cafes, Bars & Restaurants

Kiev city doesn’t lack great bars or restaurants. In fact, some the world’s best chefs are working in the best restaurants in Kiev. Although Kiev weather is cool most of the year, it can get real cold sometimes, so if you are walking around Kiev city in the cold, and feeling it getting stronger, it is time to look for a place to warm yourself up!

Being the good friendly private Kiev tour guide, that I am, I couldn’t help but to give you some hints about the best bars and cafes in Kiev where you can enjoy a hot drink with a warm meal 🙂


Come & Stay

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Come and Stay Cafe in Kiev

The name says it all, and makes it clear that once you step in this Kiev cafe you won’t feel like leaving anytime soon!

After all, why would you? … It is warm, cozy and they serve tasty coffee with great deserts!


Lybimy Dyadya (Beloved Uncle)

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The Lybimy Dyadya (Beloved Uncle) Kiev bar and restaurant

If it’s cold outside, why not swing by Lubimy Dyadya?

The name means “Beloved Uncle”. Maybe it is called so because of the cozy home, sweet home vibe it gives to customers. The menu of this restaurant contains many European, Middle Eastern and other dishes.

Beside the unique design of this establishment, it has world-class library of 200 books, containing amazing literature classics such as “One Thousand and One Nights”, “War and Peace”, “A Farewell to Arms” and “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”.

A delicious meal, warm atmosphere, good read and cool soft music while it’s snowing outside… Just perfect!



Warm cafe Kiev in cold weather | Best restaurants in Kiev | cold Kiev weather | Kiev Tour Guide
Teplitsa cafe, bar and restaurant in Kiev

It is fair to say that Tiplitsa is one of the cozies cafes restaurants in Kiev. The establishment had all what you need to pastime in homelike atmosphere; warm design, wide variety of dishes and drinks, and even hookahs in different shapes and tastes. Don’t miss the hot drinks in Tipletsa!


One Love Espresso Bar

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One Love Espresso Bar  Bar and cafe Kiev

Enjoying a hot drink here is always a good idea, and more enjoyable in cold weather. This Kiev cafe turns into a warm comfy island, welling to shelter you from the cold wind, rain or snow, and serve you a tasty drink to cheer you up!


Lubov Markov

Warm Kiev bars in cold weather | Best restaurants in Kiev | cold Kiev weather | Kiev Tour Guide
Lubov Markov or Carrots Love cafe Kiev

It means Carrots Love, and it is a weird name, unless you are familiar with Russian pop-culture, it is a term used to describe love relations in a sarcastic tone.

You should really try Lubov Markov’s signature spiced hot mulled wine and hot cider, served with fluffy waffles, and you are welcome to thank me later 🙂


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